Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Prepare a pot or a bed with well composted high nitrogen material like Farm yard manure..almost 50 % and the rest you can add mix of soil and sand or coco peat or any things which will help on good drainage. Water that bed daily for a week. Pick out any weeds that may sprout on the bed by that time. Then with any garden tool scrape out one cm soil from the top of the already set bed collect that in a bowl like container.Add suitable quantity greens seeds which you think will be fine for that bed or pot give a thorough mix so that the soil you removed and the seeds will mix uniformly now spread the removed soil back to the bed evenly and give it a mild press if the soil is not moist enough, spray water using a bottle sprayer. . Cover the bed with a poly sheet if you can for best results. When the seeds sprout remove the sheet and expose to good sunlight. Watering is must and at no time the seedlings should wilt for want of water. The excess water should drain off.
In 15 days you can give a liquid dose of nitrogen and other nutrients (Peanut cake soaked water or cow dung water etc) to see your greens growing lush green and really large and best.. in next 5 to 10 days you can harvest. Don’t pull those out. Cut them just above the last leaf leaving one leaf on each root stub. You can top up one more liquid nutrient dose in next 3 days and you will be happy to take a second and if you are lucky can repeat this once more before the roots become mature and less yielding.

Note:You can mix cocopeat, one part and balance one part a mixture of well composted cow dung ,Vermi compost and a hand full bone meal and two table spoons neem cake powder. No need of red soil. Fill this after mixing all well and water for a week then start sowing process.

Inputs from Anoop Kumar C.P

The power of different keerais:

Chakravarthy Keerai (Chenopodium Album) - its mucous helps in curing all kinds of stomach ulcers.

Ceylon Pasalai (Basella Alba) - rich source of soluble fibre
Siru Keerai: (Amaranthus Polygonoides) – rich in iron content

Red Amaranthus: (Amaranthus Tricolor) - Anti oxidant activity is enhanced, decreases body weight.
Thoothuvalai (Solanum Trilobatum) - cures tuberculosis, cough, asthma, anti inflammatory and anti-microbial.
Vellai Karisalai: (Eclipta Alba) - Promotes hair growth and rejuvenates hair, teeth, bones, memory, sight and hearing, promotes deep sleep, cures kidney and liver disorders.
Nattu Ponnanganni (Alternanthera Sessilis) – Removes blood clots, cures gastro intestinal disorders, high blood pressure and cures chronic liver ailments.

Arai Keerai (Amaranthus Dubius) – Improves RBC count, 30 per cent higher digestible protein than other plant sources

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