Tuesday, August 7, 2012



The last few days,I seem to be bumping into this term -"Companion planting ",that I thought that I should start finding more details on this subject.The very term Companion sounded very friendly.

I was right!!This is plants being friendly with each other(Nutrient uptake) and helping each other through its rough patches(Pests trouble).They also help each other in pollination and crop productivity.

The smell of the foliage of marigolds is claimed to deter aphids from feeding on neighbouring crops. Marigolds with simple flowers also attract nectar-feeding adult hoverflies, the larvae of which are predators of aphids.

Carrots work well with tomatoes because they share space well. The carrots can be planted when the tomatoes are still quite small, and can be happily growing and ready to harvest by the time the tomato plants start to take over the space.

BASIL: Plant with tomatoes to improve growth and flavor. Basil also does well with peppers, oregano, asparagus and petunias.It is said to repel flies and mosquitoes. Do not plant near rue or sage.

MINT: Deters white cabbage moths, ants, rodents, flea beetles, fleas, aphids and improves the health of cabbage and  tomatoes.Mint flowers attract hoverflies and predatory wasps. Earthworms are quite attracted to mint plantings.

OKRA: (Hibiscus esculentus )

 Plant lettuce around your okra plants and they will shade the lettuce in the summer giving you some more growing time. Okra also does well with peppers and eggplants as it helps protect these brittle stemmed plants from high winds. It also gets along with basil, cucumbers, melons, and black eyed peas. For planting with the peas,plant your Okra first. When the okra is up and established plant the peas around the edges of the okra planting. You may find that the peas are far less bothered by aphids when near okra. 
RADISH: One of the workhorses for the garden. 

 Companions for radishes are: radish, beet, bush beans, pole beans, carrots, chervil, cucumber, lettuce, melons, nasturtium, parsnip, peas, spinach and members of the squash family.

Radishes will lure leafminers away from spinach. The damage the leafminers do to radish leaves does not stop the radish roots from growing, a win-win situation. 

Keep radishes away from hyssop plants, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and turnips. Radishes are a good indicator of calcium levels in the soil. If you radish grows and only produces a stringy root you need calcium. 

SPINACH: Plant with peas and beans as they provide natural shade for the spinach. Gets along with cabbage, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, onion and  peas.

Here's a neat and clear picture of some of  the plants and their companions.Loved it.

Please do share your thoughts and post your comments.Love to hear from you.


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