Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Jasmine flower plant in full bloom

I am so happy to share with you my jasmine flower plant.This is the right season and is a real happy sight to see.

After Cultivation 

Irrigation is most important for jasmines. Constant and adequate water supply (irrigating twice a week) in light soils during the flowering season i.e March to August which essential for good yield of flowers. After the flowering is over water supply can be gradually cut off. 


The pruning of jasmine is an important operation. With the approaching of winter the bushes start to shed the leaves. To promote good flowering water is withheld to the bushes in the 2nd fortnight of November which throws the plant to rest and shed the leaves. The plants are defoliated. The bushes are trimmed back to half the height and dead branches are removed in January. After such treatment towards end of January when temperatures rise farmyard manure is applied and irrigated which results in new growth and flowering towards the end of Februry to March. The climbing types on pandals are pruned in June-July. At pruning the dead branches and old stems are removed. 

Manures and Fertilisers 

The plants are usually manured once in every with organic manures in January before flush season commences at 10-12 kg FYM per plant. In some places tank silt and horse manure are also applied to get high yields. The manures are usually applied after pruning.

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