Wednesday, April 2, 2014

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS to follow in an organic Garden

·       Once the garlic solution is made,Spray immediately as garlic will lose potency with time.
·       Dilute all solutions to save your plant from the scorching impact of the ingredients.
·       Spray the organic pest solutions,once a week and only if there is a pest attack.
·      Keep your plants as healthy as possible, and spray dormant oil to control over wintering eggs on fruit trees.
·      Stick short broomsticks in his pots to deter birds from perching and feeding on seed or shoots.
·      Spread plastic sheets around the base of the tapioca tree to scare away bandicoots with its rustling.
·      Spray a buttermilk concoction to drive away spiders.
·      Feed vermi compost every month, diluted panchagavya every 10 days
chuna ( calcium) once in a month, epsom salt once a month , once in a way add wood ash and soak hing overnight in the water drum ...frequency is approx. usually depends on availability of material and time
·      U can try neem spray, garlic+red chilly boiled in water cool down and dilute and spray. If nothing works please make sure to solarise(keeping it under the direct sun) the soil of 2 weeks at least and then only reuse.

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