Wednesday, April 2, 2014



If there is a Fungal attack, the plant would look similar to this one above.Prune the infected leaves and keep it under direct sunlight.Dilute little cowdung in cow's urine and pour 30ml to roots and on the third day mix 10gm of manjal in cows urine and supply 50ml to roots.

 Curry leaves and citrus plant leaves usually get infects by a fungus which when mature and exposes its spores, the black spots appear. This can be handled by spraying fungicides. But since this is a leaf used directly for food, it is not advisable to treat that with any chemical. Turmeric and garlic paste can be made and diluted/ filtered and sprayed to see if this will bring some relief. but test spraying has to be done before all plant is sprayed to ensure that dilution id OK. Ideally is to remove the affected leaves..
Thanks to Anoop kumar Sir,Alladi Mahadevan and the entire Organic Terrace Garden group for providing the inputs and making this possible for me to create a databank full of information.

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